March 21 – 25, 2011
The full House met on Wednesday (2/23) and a spectrum of issues was on the docket ranging from Education to the Portsmouth Naval Ship Yard.
Thankfully thoughtful minds prevailed in killing the bill (213/134) to repeal the requirement that all school districts offer public kindergarten. However, it is still a sad day that 134 representatives felt Kindergarten shouldn’t be part of NH’s core educational programming. Here is a sampling of your Nocialist legislature at work…
Interestingly – the present NH House of Representatives have the fewest number of women members since 1974. So it is only logical that a bunch of white men had no problem exempting the Commission on the Status of Men from going out of business in June. Apparently, allowing it to fade away would have been too hasty – regardless that no one knows what they do.
However moving us closer to a Nocialist state, the majority of the House overturned a committee report to appropriate emergency relief funds for NH Dairy Farmers. Despite a valiant attempt by committee members who pointed out that milk farmers cannot set the price for their milk and are at the mercy of a convoluted pricing system controlled in DC, the majority (239 Nocialists) felt that this takes money via taxes & fees from individuals and businesses and is a bailout. Forget if this might help the local economy and promote buying local. Forget about helping the local small business dairy farmer. NO Bail outs for regular people – NOCIALIST’S RULE!!!
The statement “Wetlands are sacred ground for frogs mosquitoes and environmentalists” was stated on the floor of the NH House, by a ranking republican in an attempt to make light and laugh at the Aquatic Resources Compensatory Mitigation (ARM) Program, regardless of the fact that the program offers significant value and advantages to land developers as well as being sensitive to the environment. Despite testimony, by NH DES, that lowering the administrative fee would threaten the viability of the program, the radical extremists in control of the House voted (261/90) to put at risk the viability of a program that has proven advantageous to NH Business. So much for building the economy...
Probably one of the more foolish acts thus far by these radical extremist libertarians was the defeat (246/104) of New Hampshire’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Apparently, RGGI was too complicated for these proponents of a Nocialist state to wrap their heads around. Forget that savings to NH communities are in the millions of dollars – forget that RGGI provides solid protective measures and is good risk management – forget about NH losing 20 million dollars annually in funding – and forget about anything resembling the “common good.” The radicals in charge actually quoted from a 1941 study that refutes global climate change. One republican rep was quoted as saying “climate change is hype!”
Rather than assist people to find basic housing at an affordable cost and encourage small business which is the backbone of our economy – the NH House of Representatives said NO (255/91) to a property tax break for NH families. The bill would have provided an exemption of $100,000 from the State Wide Education Property Tax (SWEPT), which would have resulted in a reduction in taxes for small businesses and residents owning property assessed at less than $625,000, and a minor increase for those residents and businesses assessed at more than 625k. The argument being bantered around was that this was “class warfare” – of course the fact that wages for average NH families have not increased, since 1984, didn’t matter nor that costs are being shifted down to the cities and towns.
This could have been titled EXTREMIST POLITICAL IDEOLOGY TRUMPS FINANCIAL AID – for this bill which passed (238/111) creates a committee to review every grant-in-aid program, at every level of state government (Municipal, County and State). This Bill will directly affect the ability of a city, town, school district, county and state agency to accept federal dollars. Forget that this would result in an increase in property taxes, or that it would render NH less competitive and less attractive to companies wanting to locate here. The majority view grants as “unconstitutional encroachments” on the sovereignty of NH and that grants amount “to all intents and purposes of bribing the state of New Hampshire.”
Among one of the more confusing acts this week was the vote 241/89 against supporting the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. As everyone in NH knows the shipyard is a vital economic interest to the State, and is always at risk of closure by the feds regardless of the fact that it is one of only four shipyards specializing in submarines. So why would the NH House of Representatives be on record as not supporting the shipyard is shocking and can only be explained as republican partisan ideologues not wanting to support something a democrat had sponsored.
Thankfully, calm heads prevailed and the attempt to impose increased costs on retired public employees was temporarily averted by sending the bill back to committee. The goal was to raise the cost to retirees for their health care – it doesn’t matter if the present system is a benefit earned by retirees for work provided. They almost had to pay more which could be argued is an income tax on retirees, but I’m sure there will be more on this issue as the session unfolds.
Overall, this radical legislature is showing their true agenda – working for the common good is out. Extremist political ideology trumps helping people, creating jobs or building the economy. The NOCIALIST State keeps moving backwards.
Practical common sense discussion on matters dealing with NH government
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Legislative Week In Review - #1
Feb 15 – 17, 2011
The legislative session has certainly been interesting so far. Several new representatives have gone to the podium crying and screaming about guns (they want them), condemning Canada (too foreign), and acting like Henny Penny mumbling something about the tentacles of the monster federal government and so on… Needless to say - it is never a dull moment under the golden dome in Concord...
Since there are fewer journalists reporting less NH news, on fewer pages devoted to the news than ever before, I thought I would provide a weekly sampling of what has been happening. While I certainly do not claim to be a journalist or even objective – I thought sharing my thoughts and opinions might be interesting.
Now if you’ve been reading the papers or watching television – you know that this week specific high profile hearings were held on the repeal of Same Sex Marriage, as well as stacking the Transportation Committee with ringers to ensure that we don’t have passenger rail in Central NH. But here is a sampling of other issues that were voted on – few had to do with generating jobs & growing the economy.
The NH House voted 240 to 120 (HR 125) to make it lawful to exempt firearms, firearm accessories & ammunition manufactured in NH from federal law and regulations. Now what’s interesting is this bill would make a state or federal cop, who enforced a lawful federal regulation, guilty of a misdemeanor or felony. Many said this bill is unconstitutional and in direct conflict with the National Firearms Act – but that didn’t matter to this radical extremist controlled legislature. Oh, and this is the bill where one of the newly elected reps got up at the podium and screamed that the Federal Government is an “evil monster!”
BAN BIG BIRD:Now don’t think they were done – for we should not forget HB 113 which prohibits the University System of NH to use any state appropriations to fund public television. Or, as I like to think of it, the bill that bans Big Bird – which would be funny enough, but one of the reasons given for supporting this bill was it gets even with PBS’s for firing Juan Williams… This bill to de-fund CH 11 passed 263 to 102.
BUST WORKER RIGHTS:Next was (HB 474-FN) the decision to impose “right to work” on public sector workers – which is really anti-worker/anti-union and has so many unanswered questions it should not have seen the light of day. Sadly, this passed 221 to 131.
Not to be undone – the Resources, Recreation & Development Committee brought to the full session a bill that defeated incentives for salt applicators to be trained and to implement proper salt application practices. Apparently, once salt gets into your water system it is there forever. Well, the majority wanted nothing to do with that kind of “Nanny State” thinking –so inexpedient to legislate was how it went down!
My favorite crazy bills were HB 440-FN and HCR 6. The first requires NH to join the lawsuit challenging federal health care reform legislation and repealing the authority for state implementation of federal health care reform. Forget, as stressed by the minority, this clearly constitutes an enforcement action challenging federal law. Passing this bill will undermine NH control and put our people at risk. The minority further pointed out that passing this bill will rescind that authority, thus pass the reins over to the federal government to take control of the program. Someone else got up and pointed out a number of benefits NH people are presently receiving which would be jeopardized. Needless to say – Feds are evil and this passed 267 to 92.
HCR 6 (House Concurrent Resolution) admonishes the federal government for entering into an agreement with Canada and Mexico relative to the Security & Prosperity Partnership after September 11, 2001. It also undermines the authority of New Hampshire’s congressional delegation, as well as encroaches upon the essential functions of the executive branch. This passed 215 to 140.
Last but not least – was an exercise in political hype and “smoke & mirrors” which I like to call – Now you see it – Now you don’t! I am referring to HB 37-FN-A and HB 166-FN which gives the illusion of a tax cut on your communications (land line) bill, as well as reduces the meals & rooms tax. Yes – the republican legislature overwhelmingly voted to cut our taxes – only to table both measures immediately after passing which puts them in political limbo and translates into – Sorry, just kidding!
Well – I could go on, but my doctor says I need to pace myself and not get too excited – so stay tuned.
Raymond Gagnon, Representative
NH House of Representatives
Sullivan District IV
Feb 15 – 17, 2011
The legislative session has certainly been interesting so far. Several new representatives have gone to the podium crying and screaming about guns (they want them), condemning Canada (too foreign), and acting like Henny Penny mumbling something about the tentacles of the monster federal government and so on… Needless to say - it is never a dull moment under the golden dome in Concord...
Since there are fewer journalists reporting less NH news, on fewer pages devoted to the news than ever before, I thought I would provide a weekly sampling of what has been happening. While I certainly do not claim to be a journalist or even objective – I thought sharing my thoughts and opinions might be interesting.
Now if you’ve been reading the papers or watching television – you know that this week specific high profile hearings were held on the repeal of Same Sex Marriage, as well as stacking the Transportation Committee with ringers to ensure that we don’t have passenger rail in Central NH. But here is a sampling of other issues that were voted on – few had to do with generating jobs & growing the economy.
The NH House voted 240 to 120 (HR 125) to make it lawful to exempt firearms, firearm accessories & ammunition manufactured in NH from federal law and regulations. Now what’s interesting is this bill would make a state or federal cop, who enforced a lawful federal regulation, guilty of a misdemeanor or felony. Many said this bill is unconstitutional and in direct conflict with the National Firearms Act – but that didn’t matter to this radical extremist controlled legislature. Oh, and this is the bill where one of the newly elected reps got up at the podium and screamed that the Federal Government is an “evil monster!”
BAN BIG BIRD:Now don’t think they were done – for we should not forget HB 113 which prohibits the University System of NH to use any state appropriations to fund public television. Or, as I like to think of it, the bill that bans Big Bird – which would be funny enough, but one of the reasons given for supporting this bill was it gets even with PBS’s for firing Juan Williams… This bill to de-fund CH 11 passed 263 to 102.
BUST WORKER RIGHTS:Next was (HB 474-FN) the decision to impose “right to work” on public sector workers – which is really anti-worker/anti-union and has so many unanswered questions it should not have seen the light of day. Sadly, this passed 221 to 131.
Not to be undone – the Resources, Recreation & Development Committee brought to the full session a bill that defeated incentives for salt applicators to be trained and to implement proper salt application practices. Apparently, once salt gets into your water system it is there forever. Well, the majority wanted nothing to do with that kind of “Nanny State” thinking –so inexpedient to legislate was how it went down!
My favorite crazy bills were HB 440-FN and HCR 6. The first requires NH to join the lawsuit challenging federal health care reform legislation and repealing the authority for state implementation of federal health care reform. Forget, as stressed by the minority, this clearly constitutes an enforcement action challenging federal law. Passing this bill will undermine NH control and put our people at risk. The minority further pointed out that passing this bill will rescind that authority, thus pass the reins over to the federal government to take control of the program. Someone else got up and pointed out a number of benefits NH people are presently receiving which would be jeopardized. Needless to say – Feds are evil and this passed 267 to 92.
HCR 6 (House Concurrent Resolution) admonishes the federal government for entering into an agreement with Canada and Mexico relative to the Security & Prosperity Partnership after September 11, 2001. It also undermines the authority of New Hampshire’s congressional delegation, as well as encroaches upon the essential functions of the executive branch. This passed 215 to 140.
Last but not least – was an exercise in political hype and “smoke & mirrors” which I like to call – Now you see it – Now you don’t! I am referring to HB 37-FN-A and HB 166-FN which gives the illusion of a tax cut on your communications (land line) bill, as well as reduces the meals & rooms tax. Yes – the republican legislature overwhelmingly voted to cut our taxes – only to table both measures immediately after passing which puts them in political limbo and translates into – Sorry, just kidding!
Well – I could go on, but my doctor says I need to pace myself and not get too excited – so stay tuned.
Raymond Gagnon, Representative
NH House of Representatives
Sullivan District IV
Friday, February 18, 2011
Speech in Opposition to House Resolution 6
The following is a speech I made on the floor of the NH House of Representatives (2/9/11) regarding a resolution asking the NH House to condemn Canada.
R. Gagnon – Testimony HR-6
Mr. Speaker – I rise today to oppose HR 6 – while I certainly recognize that this came out of committee as unanimously OTP – I cannot concur and consent to this piece of legislation.
Since when does this body not uphold the fundamental right of – DUE PROCESS? Whatever happened to having one’s day in court before being condemned?
Because that’s what this resolution does? Without knowing the full story and all the facts, regardless of the point that this matter is in litigation – we are asked to CONDEMN Canada? Does the majority want to give the message that they hate government so much they are prepared to immediately interfere and meddle in another Nation’s business before the facts are known?
IN talking with my colleagues – some who own property in Canada – there may be certain Canadian policies that appear to be protectionist. So I ask: how should we effectively address & rectify those practices? If we are truly serious - Do you really think this resolution will work and succeed at righting any perceived wrongs?
Might not a better course of action have been to go through existing intra – governmental channels such as our joint NH/QC membership to the Eastern Region Council of State Governments, or the New Eng Governors/Eastern Canadian Premiers Organization that meets yearly and has permanent offices & staff in both countries – or maybe explore if the NH/Canada Trade Council - a statutory committee of this General Court might help at opening dialogue on perceived protectionist matters affecting NH residents?
NO - it would seem that our approach prefers using an AXE rather than a scalpel when operating thru this exercise in diplomatic surgery! WHY are we prepared to throw under the bus and condemn – a country and province that has been a friend and ally for centuries because they have changed their rules to expand the opportunity for their citizens to fish?
This resolution is harsh, and makes it seem that we are talking about some kind of 3rd World dictatorship – not a nation and province that has a legal system on a par with our own and with a history of fair play!
Have we forgotten how after the 9/11 attacks we froze our air space, and it was the Canadians who stepped up and took in all the international flights from Europe and cared for our people on their journey home?
Have we forgotten how for the past 10 years both QC &Canada have worked with us to ensure that another attack does not occur?
Have we forgotten that Canadian troops are fighting and dying with us in Afghanistan? And more close to home – Have we forgotten how Canadian & QC law enforcement yearly work with our State Police to ensure that our motorcycle week is safe and free of international biker gang criminals?
This Resolution suggests – none of those facts matter – someone only has to allege a misdeed & we’ll rush in and condemn – even before Canada has the opportunity to defend itself before the NAFTA Tribunal? By Golly! Is that image we want for NH?
This Resolution implies – Forget if you’ve been our friend, neighbor, and ally & have had a relationship with us since the 1600’s – the mere allegation by one individual merits condemnation! Forget that 30% of this State’s population is descended from individuals who migrated from Canada & Quebec – of course I probably shouldn’t raise the topic of Immigration too loudly – as I suspect there are some of you will next want to question our citizenship and right to be here!
Mr. Speaker – the responsible action would be to retain this bill and allow the Canadians their day before the NAFTA Tribunal. If we are seriously concerned about licensing & permitting policies relative to Salmon fishing, by another government who’s intent was to make the fishing of salmon more equitable and transparent and thus improve the public’ access to the fishing of Salmon in their waters – OR other polices we feel are protectionist - perhaps a preferred course of action would be to enter into serious dialogue with our friends & neighbors to the north rather than to insult, condemn and close doors.
To jump in and impose ourselves on the international stage, on this matter, at this time, is premature. This resolution is Over-Kill.
Thank You.
Raymond Gagnon
R. Gagnon – Testimony HR-6
Mr. Speaker – I rise today to oppose HR 6 – while I certainly recognize that this came out of committee as unanimously OTP – I cannot concur and consent to this piece of legislation.
Since when does this body not uphold the fundamental right of – DUE PROCESS? Whatever happened to having one’s day in court before being condemned?
Because that’s what this resolution does? Without knowing the full story and all the facts, regardless of the point that this matter is in litigation – we are asked to CONDEMN Canada? Does the majority want to give the message that they hate government so much they are prepared to immediately interfere and meddle in another Nation’s business before the facts are known?
IN talking with my colleagues – some who own property in Canada – there may be certain Canadian policies that appear to be protectionist. So I ask: how should we effectively address & rectify those practices? If we are truly serious - Do you really think this resolution will work and succeed at righting any perceived wrongs?
Might not a better course of action have been to go through existing intra – governmental channels such as our joint NH/QC membership to the Eastern Region Council of State Governments, or the New Eng Governors/Eastern Canadian Premiers Organization that meets yearly and has permanent offices & staff in both countries – or maybe explore if the NH/Canada Trade Council - a statutory committee of this General Court might help at opening dialogue on perceived protectionist matters affecting NH residents?
NO - it would seem that our approach prefers using an AXE rather than a scalpel when operating thru this exercise in diplomatic surgery! WHY are we prepared to throw under the bus and condemn – a country and province that has been a friend and ally for centuries because they have changed their rules to expand the opportunity for their citizens to fish?
This resolution is harsh, and makes it seem that we are talking about some kind of 3rd World dictatorship – not a nation and province that has a legal system on a par with our own and with a history of fair play!
Have we forgotten how after the 9/11 attacks we froze our air space, and it was the Canadians who stepped up and took in all the international flights from Europe and cared for our people on their journey home?
Have we forgotten how for the past 10 years both QC &Canada have worked with us to ensure that another attack does not occur?
Have we forgotten that Canadian troops are fighting and dying with us in Afghanistan? And more close to home – Have we forgotten how Canadian & QC law enforcement yearly work with our State Police to ensure that our motorcycle week is safe and free of international biker gang criminals?
This Resolution suggests – none of those facts matter – someone only has to allege a misdeed & we’ll rush in and condemn – even before Canada has the opportunity to defend itself before the NAFTA Tribunal? By Golly! Is that image we want for NH?
This Resolution implies – Forget if you’ve been our friend, neighbor, and ally & have had a relationship with us since the 1600’s – the mere allegation by one individual merits condemnation! Forget that 30% of this State’s population is descended from individuals who migrated from Canada & Quebec – of course I probably shouldn’t raise the topic of Immigration too loudly – as I suspect there are some of you will next want to question our citizenship and right to be here!
Mr. Speaker – the responsible action would be to retain this bill and allow the Canadians their day before the NAFTA Tribunal. If we are seriously concerned about licensing & permitting policies relative to Salmon fishing, by another government who’s intent was to make the fishing of salmon more equitable and transparent and thus improve the public’ access to the fishing of Salmon in their waters – OR other polices we feel are protectionist - perhaps a preferred course of action would be to enter into serious dialogue with our friends & neighbors to the north rather than to insult, condemn and close doors.
To jump in and impose ourselves on the international stage, on this matter, at this time, is premature. This resolution is Over-Kill.
Thank You.
Raymond Gagnon
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